Pensions Dashboards Programme – phase one summary research report

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) commissioned Ipsos MORI to carry out a qualitative study to gain a greater understanding of dashboards users, their circumstances, behaviours and attitudes and their views of the pensions dashboards concept. PDP will use these research findings to inform its development of the supporting infrastructure and data ecosystem. 

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Pensions Dashboards Programme signs up seven major data providers for initial dashboards testing phase

Today the Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) announces the successful recruitment of seven major pension organisations to its initial Alpha test phase of pensions dashboards. A number of software providers, insurers and third party administrators will work with the Programme and the successful central digital architecture supplier in the key Develop and Test phase of the programme.

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Data standards: a big step forward for pensions dashboards

As we head towards a socially distant Christmas, it’s quite clear that 2020 has not progressed as any of us expected. We’ve all faced significant logistical challenges as we’ve adapted to this new way of working, not least replacing face to face contact with Teams calls and maintaining communications with colleagues and stakeholders while remote working. All of which, makes me prouder than ever that we’ve reached the milestone of publishing the first set of data standards for initial dashboards, which will define the digital information that sits behind pensions dashboards.

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