Published by: Michael Wheeler  

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) commissioned Ipsos to undertake quantitative research into the value that people attach to pensions dashboards and their likelihood to use them. This forms part of a wider programme of research which PDP will use to inform the development of the central digital architecture.

The research asked a representative sample of potential dashboard users how much they would be willing to pay for a dashboard service. Dashboards will be free to use, but the results are used to estimate their value to the public.

The group was also surveyed on how likely they would be to use dashboards if they were available now, as well as if they would want to use them in the future. On top of this, the research established how many private pensions people have, including the proportion of the population that have one or more private pensions.

Ipsos undertook online interviews with 1,960 individuals forming a representative sample of the UK population aged between 18 and 75. Differences in the likelihood of the public to use dashboards and their willingness to pay for them are explored across demographic and pension characteristics such as type and number of pensions, and levels of pension engagement.

This research follows on from previous qualitative research with potential dashboard users.

Ipsos willingness to pay report autumn 2022