Published by: Michael Wheeler  

The architecture brief for suppliers is a technical document, which explains the functionality of the digital architecture that sits at the heart of the pensions dashboards ecosystem. The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) created the document as part of its pre-tender engagement with suppliers, before the official start of its technical architecture procurement. 

This document addresses a specialist audience of potential suppliers of the pension finder service, the content and authorisation service and the governance register. PDP is undertaking a separate process to procure the identity service, which is also part of the digital architecture. However, the document provide information on the functionality of the entire system. 

We have published the Architecture brief for suppliers, in the interests of transparency and full disclosure, as it contains detailed information on the digital architecture that may be useful to data and dashboard providers.  

However, as detailed in the programme timeline, we will provide further technical information, specifically designed for data and dashboard providers in Winter 2021. 

There is also a more accessible overview of functionality available on our ecosystem page

Download architecture brief